Sprint Review Meeting in Snello

The Sprint Review meeting is a time boxed event in Scrum. The particular maximum duration is four hours for a four week sprint, and proportionately less for smaller Pointe. The Sprint Review is held in late the Short or iteration and is utilized to demonstrate the work that was done during the Sprint.

The Sprint Overview is conducted by any team member. People that may be present are the Scrum team and every other exterior customers, stakeholders or fascinated people that the Item Owner might invite. The particular Sprint Review generally includes an indication of the work done. The 'demo' though, is not the sole or main purpose of the review.

The atmosphere for a Sprint Review is one of collaboration. The item Owner identifies which features were completed. The team reviews how much work it was able to handle, whether the Run backlog was cleared, and exactly what is remaining. The team discusses any pending items that go back to the product backlog to be reprioritized. The team answers any questions about the work.

This is an important time for they members to interact with the item Owner and understand what is happening with the product. Part of the Sprint Review may also be used for reordering the Product Backlog and discussing current business focus with the Product Proprietor. Items on the Product Backlog are discussed and the team considers what could take on in the next Sprint. This lays some groundwork for the next planning meeting.

Unique Aspect

The work done in the Sprint is showcased as a group, be it natural or processed hard work. Any accolades or praise are given to the whole team and not to any individual. Similarly, this is not used as a finger pointing opportunity in case of any remaining backlog items. The particular team assumes collective obligation for the outcome of the Sprint and any lessons learnt are for everybody.

The Sprint Review provides a valuable possibility to the team to self-organize and realize their potential. If the team could fulfil the Sprint backlog easily with time left at the end of the Sprint, it realizes it can take on some more hours in the next Sprint. If the team is not able to finish the items on the backlog, it considers taking up less items next time, or adding some more buffer for contingencies.

Is it 'done'?

An important part the Scrum Master plays is ensuring that the team and the Product Owner understand the success conditions for each and every product backlog item. Any item that does not adhere to the definition sprint of 'done' decided earlier is not supplied in the Sprint review. This specific item has to return to the product backlog to be reprioritized. A typical example would be an item that is coded but not tested or an item with open defects.

Inspect and Adapt

As the daily standup can be used to examine a day's work, the Sprint Review is an important time for you to 'inspect' the steps taken throughout the whole Sprint period. The team adjusts its workload and 'adapts' its velocity. Following experimenting for a few iterations, they gets a good idea of the velocity and can then be more accurate in their planning.