The particular Sprint Planning Meeting - An Overview

Scrum includes Sprints or iterations which are time boxed occasions. This means that the Sprint starts and comes to an end at a fixed time, regardless if its goals are met. Sprint duration may vary from one week to four weeks. Seven days may be too little time for you to produce something tangible or potentially shippable. A team may experiment with various durations until it realizes which one is the better for them.

Sprint Goal

The aim of the Sprint in Scrum is to produce a potentially shippable product or functionality. This may be in the form of one or many features of the product that is being built. 'Potentially shippable 'means that the aspects of the feature are built - it is designed per requirements, coded, tested and approved. Although there may well not be an actual release at the end of every Sprint, the work done is release ready.


The Sprint Organizing Meeting is limited to 8 hours for a 4 week Sprint. The particular meeting is shorter for shorter Sprints - for example, a two few days Sprint would have a four hour planning meeting.

Structure of the Sprint Planning Conference

The Run Planning Meeting can be broadly split up into two components. The first part offers with 'what' will be done in that Sprint. The other part deals with 'how' the 'what' will be achieved. The existence of the Product Owner is imperative for the first half. This is when the Product Owner orders the Product Backlog and explains what the topmost priority for the business is. The team uses this input to decide how much it can take on in that particular Sprint. The team may choose one or sprint many items off the Product Backlog depending on size of the items and enough time needed to build them. The team uses experience and historic data to decide how much they can handle. Scrum promotes teams to take duty and decide their capacity themselves.

The second part of the Sprint Preparing Meeting addresses 'how' the team will actually handle the work it offers taken on. The Product Owner can leave the room at the moment, but should be available to answer any questions the team has. The team is allowed to plan how they will deal with the work, and who will do what task. The particular idea here is that each person does what they are best at, but is available and willing to pitch in for any other tasks as needed.

The particular Sprint Backlog

The Sprint Backlog is the end result of the second part of the Sprint Organizing Meeting. Each item off of the product backlog that the team has decided to deal with in this Sprint generally maps onto one or many stories. All of the tasks related to that story are positioned below it. Each and every task has the name of the person who will execute it, alongside with a number that denotes the time or effort required to bring it out.

They roadmaps out all the duties needed to achieve the Run goal resulting in the Sprint Backlog. The total effort that the team needs to put in can be acquired by summing upward all the task stays. These are estimates and the actual time used may be less or more.